When it comes to hydration, the importance of drinking water can’t be overstated. Being dehydrated can have adverse effects on your body, including headaches, dizziness, and fatigue – not exactly ideal when you’re at the range. If you spend any significant amount of time at the range, chances are you’ll get thirsty and need a way to keep hydrated. But how much water should you drink? And what kind of fluid is best for hydrating while shooting? Let’s take a look.
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The human body is made up of approximately 60% water, which makes it absolutely essential that you stay hydrated. Water helps keep your body temperature regulated, transports nutrients and oxygen to your cells, and also flushes toxins out of your body. Having a clear head and feeling energized is typically a sign that you’re well hydrated, but the signs that you’re not hydrated are pretty easy to spot as well. If you’re not hydrated, you’ll find that your muscles may cramp up more easily, and your hands, especially the palms, may start to crack or break out in blisters more often. You’ll also likely have a harder time concentrating on whatever you have to do, and your skin may look paler and feel drier.
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As far as how much water you should drink while at the range, you should aim to drink one bottle of water for every hour you’re there. So if you’re at the range for 3 hours, you should drink 3 bottles of water. It’s important to stay hydrated while shooting so you are less like to have a change in a mental state that can cause you to lose focus on safety. It is recommended that the daily fluid intake is: 125 ounces (3.7 liters) for men. 91 ounces (2.7 liters) for women for proper hydration.
What’s the best type of drink for staying hydrated while at the range?
While there are lots of different types of drinks out there, the best ones for hydration are the ones that have high water content. You should avoid drinking coffee and tea, for example, since they are a diuretic and actually pulls water out of your body. Likewise, you should try to avoid sugary drinks, like soda or energy drinks, since they’ll actually dehydrate you more quickly due to their high caffeine content. Your best bet is to drink lots of water, flavored water, or a sports drink that has high water content. While water is essential, it can get boring after a while, and drinking too much water can actually be dangerous. A sports drink is a good way to get some flavor without adding too much sugar; it also contains electrolytes, which can help you avoid cramps and muscle fatigue after a long day at the range.
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There are a few ways you can stay hydrated at the range to make sure you’re getting the most out of your drink of choice.
- Keep a cooler with cold water and sports drinks with you.
- Have a bladder pack that you can drink from throughout the day.
- Keep a 5-gallon jug so you can keep your water cold and always ready.
- If you are starting to get thirsty you are already behind on your intake.
- Drink while reloading, or when someone else is shooting.
- If you can get out of the sun and cool off make sure you are drinking at the same time.
Bottom line
When you’re at the range, you’re likely to sweat a lot, which means you’ll need to drink even more water than usual. Remember, the more hydrated you are, the better you’ll be able to focus and perform, so don’t skimp out on the water! Wearing all your gear makes it harder for your body to cool down and regulate your temperature so drinking water will help keep you from hurting yourself.