I was asked by Refactor Tactical if I would like more targets to review and I, of course, told them yes. Reviewing targets is not an easy thing to do. I am writing this on a Saturday after Tanner spent the day shooting videos. We tried to shoot this review, however, I am not happy with the outcome.
I want to focus in on three of Refactor Tactical’s targets. IQ Targets (with Dead Man’s Hand Shooting Deck), Essentials Shooting Target (With Essentials Shooting Guide), and the IPSC/USPSA Practice Target.
The Refactor Tactical IPSC/USPSA Practice Target

This is the most basic and easy to explain of the three we are focusing on. It is just a full-size practice target used in the International Practical Shooting Confederation matches and in the United States Practical Shooting Association. As some people might have an aversion to shooting targets with a photo of a real human or even just a silhouette of someone, this is a great all-around target for a pistol target.
If you are looking for more of an active shooter target, they have them as well.

Refactor Tactical IQ Targets With Dead Man’s Hand Shooting (Card) Deck

This is what we were trying to review on camera and failed at, so beautifully.
The IQ Targets are not for the shooter who goes to an indoor gun range, once a year with some buddies, for a fun day of shooting. This is for the person who wants to train and hone their skills in both pistol and rifle. You will need a place to be able to move and take up different positions and yardages.
I also like to use these targets for long-range shooting. Having a spotter and shooter combo, being able to make quick calls on the target, and a random number of rounds per target, this lets you train on each shooters acquisition time.

While you can use the targets for whatever you want when it comes to training, it is best paired with the Dead Man’s Hand Shoot Deck. These are playing cards that tell you how to use the target, and not just do static single position or yardage training.
Refactor Tactical Essentials Shooting Target with the Refactor Tactical Essentials Shooting Guide
First I have to say the target might be a little weird when you first look at it, but when it is paired with the book, you unlock 11 chapters of drills that push you to better your training. The book also helps keep track of your progress as you train.

About the Targets
While you can use the targets in what ever way you want, they were designed with a purpose. For years, I have been someone who would just pick up sight-in targets as my main use targets, but since I have been using these targets, I have been improving my shooting abilities.
I am not going to tell you that you have to have epic designs on your shirts when you are training, but I think it helps. One of my all-time favorite paintings is the Starry Night by Van Gogh so it is only right that I wear a Warry-Night shirt when training.