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Gears of Guns, often gets asked “Where can I buy this gun?” and currently at this time we are not associated with any retailers or manufactures of firearms and cannot give a definitive answer as to where any one firearm can be purchased. The staff of Gears of Guns is not current on all gun laws affecting all places in the world. We suggest trying local gun shops to find out if a firearm can be owned and purchased in your area.
If you are contacting us in regards to a press release, you can send them to us in a Word doc or Google doc. Our editorial staff will review each press release to determine compatibility to our website and schedule. Press releases may not always be published on the date they are emailed to us but we try to make sure they are current and relevant. PDF files will not be reviewed.
Please send your press releases to PR@gearsofguns.com Subject: Press Release Request.
Any emails that are not PR related that is sent to that address will be UNREAD and discarded.
Any other emails can be sent from the contact form below.
Guest Posts
While GearsofGuns.com does allow submission of guest post, we are strict on our guidelines.
If you are interested in submitting a request for a guest post please use the email box above.
(Any and all emails that are not sent using the form will be rejected without cause).
IF we are looking for new content we will forward you our full guidelines at that point.
We DO NOT allow hunting or political articles on GearsofGuns.com