When it comes to concealed carry pistols, there are a lot of considerations that need to be made.
- What caliber should you get?
- What length barrel is best for you?
- What type of sights are best?
Should you go single action or double action? How many rounds should the gun have? These are all questions that need to be answered before buying your ideal concealed-carry pistol. If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re looking for some guidance as far as what the minimum number of rounds in your concealed carry pistol should be. There are a lot of different schools of thought on this matter. Some people think that fewer rounds make the gun easier to handle in stressful situations and increases accuracy. Others believe the opposite and think the more rounds, the better. Here’s what we recommend…

How many rounds should be in a concealed carry pistol?
A standard 9mm magazine holds 10-15 rounds. This is the ideal round for a primary concealed carry pistol. It’s effective against most threats and has a large number of high-quality self-defense loads for a wide variety of situations. Plus, there are plenty of good 9mm subcompact and compact pistols. So, you won’t have to sacrifice much in the way of size with this caliber.
5-6 rounds – Revolvers
Let’s talk about revolvers for a minute. Revolvers are great self-defense tools that come with high magazine capacities. However, the downside is that they only come with 5-6 rounds in them. If you plan on using a revolver as a concealed carry weapon, you need to be aware of the numbers. Make sure that you have more than enough self-defense rounds in your revolver. That way, when you need to use it, you won’t have to miss it. If you have a revolver with 5 rounds, you’ll want to have at least 10 more rounds in your pocket. That way, you can reload and keep defending yourself until the threat is over. Speed clips and Speed strips are your “backup mag” and are highly advised if you plan to carry a revolver. In terms of caliber, .357 Mag .38SPL, .22 Mag, and 9mm are the common calibers of choice.
7-10 rounds Sub-compact
Subcompact pistols are the smallest and lightest pistols that are common. They are a great option for concealed carry. With only 7 rounds, in a subcompact pistol, you really want to have a spare mag in case all your rounds do not make an impact. The subcompact tends to be less accurate for shooters who do not practice a lot with their carry gun as the gun can have more recoil and less controllability for larger hands. In terms of caliber, .380 caliber pistols are a very common choice alongside the 9mm.

15 rounds – Compacts
Compact pistols are slightly larger than subcompact pistols, but they aren’t much larger. In general, compact pistols are the first option that offers higher-capacity magazines. Many compact pistols come with a standard magazine capacity of 12-15 rounds. This is the best option for people who aren’t trying to conceal in a skin-tight shirt but still want the most form-fitting clothes they can get. The compact pistol has a bit more controllability due to size and recoil management however it might come at a cost of weight. In terms of caliber, 9mm is the most common round for concealed carry but this is where we really start seeing more .40,10mm, .357 Sig, and even some .45acp.
20 rounds Medium Frame
Medium-frame pistols like a Glock 19 or a Smith & Wesson M&P 9, are some of the most popular medium-frame pistols on the market because these pistols are large enough to be comfortable to shoot and have a magazine capacity of a large pistol while still being small enough to be easily concealed. Many medium-frame pistols come with magazines that hold about 17-20 rounds. This is plenty of rounds for most people, but if you want more, there are plenty of aftermarket magazines that hold more rounds. In terms of caliber, 9mm is again the most common round. However, there are plenty of good .40 S&W and .45 ACP pistols out there if you want something larger.
25+ Rounds/Large Frame
Large-frame pistols are the biggest pistols on the market. Most people don’t want to carry such a large pistol on their person, so they don’t really make sense for concealed carry. If you do want a large-frame pistol, you’re going to want one that is comfortable to shoot. if you are looking in the large frame category there are .45 ACP pistols that hold 7-13 rounds but at that point, you will want a few spare mags.
$150 off $1,000 (use code: NOV150)Spare Mag
It’s always good to have a spare magazine for your pistol on you just in case you need to reload in a critical situation. Spare mags are not only great for range day practice but also have on you when you are concealed carrying.
If you conceal carry you should practice as much as you can.
When you’re looking to use your concealed carry pistol for self-defense, you need to make sure that you have enough practice. This is because if you’re in a situation where you need to use your pistol for self-defense, you need to make sure that you’re able to use it correctly. While you might be able to make a perfect shot the first time you ever shoot, you may not be able to do the same when you’re in an adrenaline-filled situation. That’s why you need to make sure that you practice as often as possible so that you have the skills necessary to use your pistol correctly in a time of need.
Need more Magazines? Find out what gun magazines we have for you!So how many rounds should you have? It is up to you
When it comes to deciding on the best number of rounds in your concealed carry pistol, it’s all up to you. You need to consider the type of gun you’re going to use and where you’ll be using it. When you’re using a revolver, you need to make sure that you have a speed clip or sleep strip. When you’re using a semi-automatic pistol, you need to make sure that it is comfortable to carry and shoot.