How to Accurately Shoot at Long Ranges
When learning to shoot at long ranges, there are many factors to consider. How well does the shooter know his firearm? What about his choice of rifle, recoil, the size of the barrel, velocity, optics,… How to Accurately Shoot at Long Ranges
The Firearm Blog Acquired By I am excited to announce that The Firearm Blog has been acquired by AllOutdoor will be launching soon and will be a sister site to The Firearm Blog… CannonFodder: THE FIREARM BLOG HAS A NEW OWNER??
CannonFodder: Just because I am nice…
Mike Pannone showing that an AR-15 is still a extremely reliable firearm even with dirt and other junk in the gun. (Junk is a technical term… Trust me, I work for an “expert” in the… CannonFodder: Just because I am nice…
A fellow Eagle Scout in a 24 hour sniper challenge.
Andrew over at Vuurwapen blog has his nine lessons he learned at the Competition Dynamics 24 Hour Sniper Adventure Challenge. Lesson #1 – Know YourselfLesson #2 – Know Your Equipment (Learned this lesson in my… A fellow Eagle Scout in a 24 hour sniper challenge.
What is a Gun Review?
Ebbs has a new write up about what most of us gun bloggers try to do… REVIEW GUNS! This is what I’m thinking a Haus of Guns gun review should be: An accurate portrayal of… What is a Gun Review?
I mentioned a few weeks back that I like this idea and our good friend Eric over at Gunmart Blog has a review! You can check out the review HERE I want one!
Gun eye hole peeps?????
I saw this over at Armory blog and I have to say this is an awesome eye peep ideayou can pick them up for $18 over at
Week of guest post: The end
Sadly the last two blogger we had to finish out the week had to back out at the last minute due to some problems but I want to thank Caleb, Aaron, and Ebbs for posting… Week of guest post: The end
Week of guest posts: Why I Love Rimfires…
I grew up shooting. Just about anything with a trigger was eventually subject of my fondling at one time or another. Handheld crossbows, wooden rubber-band slingshots, Nerf guns, air rifles, BB guns, even moving from… Week of guest posts: Why I Love Rimfires…
Week of guest posts: Beretta 92FS
While it’s hard to name a favorite pistol, just as it is almost impossible for someone to name a favorite child, I do have to say that I really do enjoy the Beretta 92FS. I… Week of guest posts: Beretta 92FS
Week of guest posts: My favorite pistol RTB
My Favorite Pistol Nine shots from 25 feet during first range trip. We all have a favorite pistol. For some of us it’s our most reliable for others it may be our father’s or grandfather’s… Week of guest posts: My favorite pistol RTB
Omega – 00FAIL
Armory Blog noticed this wonderful ad for the new Bond watch. I use to watch the show Chuck and in their opening credits they did the same thing.
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