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Ammo Seek

Since I started last year I have been buying up ammo like it is going out of style for all the reviews the crew has worked on as well as just for the sake… Ammo Seek

What is a Gun Review?

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Ebbs has a new write up about what most of us gun bloggers try to do… REVIEW GUNS! This is what I’m thinking a Haus of Guns gun review should be: An accurate portrayal of… What is a Gun Review?


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I mentioned a few weeks back that I like this idea and our good friend Eric over at Gunmart Blog has a review! You can check out the review HERE I want one!

Gun eye hole peeps?????

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I saw this over at Armory blog and I have to say this is an awesome eye peep ideayou can pick them up for $18 over at

Omega – 00FAIL

Armory Blog noticed this wonderful ad for the new Bond watch. I use to watch the show Chuck and in their opening credits they did the same thing.