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This cutaway was sent to us by a reader way back in 2011 (see post here) This week on Cool Guns of The Internet: Today on Cool Guns of the Internet we are looking at… CGI: COLT XM-15

Bren Gun Cutaway

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Way back in 2011 HansonROBB sent us a collection of pictures of a Colt XM15  (M-16) rifle cutaway which you can find HERE. He has sent us a new batch of pictures of a cutaway… Bren Gun Cutaway

Happy 3 Years

Wow! It has been an amazing three years. was first published on Feb 28th 2011 and we have been growing more and more everyday. For me, being able to write and review for the… Happy 3 Years

Aaron – MG42

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When it comes to automatic weapons many firearms comes to mind, The M2 (ma deuce), M249 SAW, M16 and other variants. But the first that comes to my mind is the German MG42. The MG42… Aaron – MG42