SHOT Show 2017: Day 1 Video
SHOT Show stands for Shooting Hunting Outdoor Trade Show, It is held at the Sands convention center at the Venetian Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas NV USA. It is a private INDUSTRY ONLY show.… SHOT Show 2017: Day 1 Video
SHOT Show stands for Shooting Hunting Outdoor Trade Show, It is held at the Sands convention center at the Venetian Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas NV USA. It is a private INDUSTRY ONLY show.… SHOT Show 2017: Day 1 Video
Having a belt fed rifle sounds awesome doesn’t it? While everyone else is having to constantly change out magazines every 30 rounds or so, you are able to just keep slinging lead down range to… Freedom Ordnance FM-9 Belt Fed Upper Receiver
“110 year old suppression technology does not perform for modern operators. The next generation in suppression is here.” – Operators Suppressor Systems An Intro to Suppressors Since we are on the topic of suppressors, let’s… The Operators Suppressor Systems (O.S.S.)
Here is a collection of what we thought were some of the coolest looking guns that we got photos of at the show. Some of them we know who made them and some we just… Cool Guns: Shot Show 2016
I have been provided the materials needed for this review. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments. Before I talk about this 1919A4 belt-fed firearm… Ohio Ordnance Works 1919A4 Bundle Review
A few weeks back I reviewed a Windham Weaponry .308 AR-style rifle. When I finished the review I contacted my local gunsmith as well as Windham and asked if they knew of any standardization in… Editorial: Standardizing vs. Proprietary
Typically there are three different types of ranges a shoot can go to. A range open to the public, a range that is members only and requires a yearly or monthly fee or land you… Poll: What does your range offer you?
Way back in 2011 HansonROBB sent us a collection of pictures of a Colt XM15 (M-16) rifle cutaway which you can find HERE. He has sent us a new batch of pictures of a cutaway… Bren Gun Cutaway
When it comes to automatic weapons many firearms comes to mind, The M2 (ma deuce), M249 SAW, M16 and other variants. But the first that comes to my mind is the German MG42. The MG42… Aaron – MG42
“Daddy, THIS IS MINE!!!!!’” If you have a caption for this picture please comment by Friday the 24th of May and we will post what we feel is the BEST caption.
On Monday we posted a name this gun (seen above) and we got a number of comments and emails thinking it was the Johnson M1941 Light Machine Gun. (Seen at the bottom of this post)… Close… but not the Johnson 1941
I found this build while messing around on the forums yesterday and thought it was pretty cool. You can check out more of the build pictures HERE (Happy Switch = Full Auto)
Since yesterday was 9/11 I did not post a video but I was sent this from [HoWto*Rat-a-tap-tap] I am sure Atticus has seen this since the AAC blog is one of his daily reads but… CannonFodder: AAC AT DRAGONCON?!?!