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Name This Gun: 7-13-16

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Put your gun knowledge to the test and see if you can guess the make and model of this gun. The answer will be posted on Wednesday the 13th.

Name This Gun: 6-3-16

Put your gun knowledge to the test and see if you can guess the make and model of this gun. The answer will be posted on Friday the 3rd.

Name this gun 11-26?

Can you correct identify this firearm? Wednesday the 26th we will reveal the answer and share a little bit more about this firearm. Good Luck!

Return of NAME THIS GUN 6-6

Can you correct identify this firearm? Friday the 6th we will reveal the answer and share a little bit more about this firearm.  Good Luck!

Name this gun 11-11-13

Put your gun knowledge to the test and see if you can guess the make and model of this gun. The answer will be posted on Monday the 11th.

Taurus CT G29

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Model: CTG29Safety: Manual SafetyCaliber: 9 mmCapacity: 10Front Sight: FixedBarrel Length: 16″Rear Sight: AdjustableTrigger Type: SmoothFinish: BlueOverall Length: 36″MSRP: $898.00Weight: 6.6 LbsGrooves: 0 Description From Taurus USA website The new CTG29 (9mm) is a new close… Taurus CT G29