Happy 2012!!!/ Name this gun 1-6
I hope you all had a nice and safe new years eve. Gears of Guns looks forward to bringing you info on new guns and gun reviews in 2012. Thank you all for reading and… Happy 2012!!!/ Name this gun 1-6
I hope you all had a nice and safe new years eve. Gears of Guns looks forward to bringing you info on new guns and gun reviews in 2012. Thank you all for reading and… Happy 2012!!!/ Name this gun 1-6
The Heckler-Koch MSG90A1 was released in 1987 and is designed after Heckler-Koch’s PSG1 (Präzisionsschützengewehr, German for “precision-shooting rifle”) which was introduced in 1972. The MSG90A1 is the militarized version of the H&K PSG1. SPECSCaliber: 7.62mm… Name that gun 12-19 Heckler-Koch MSG90A1
SPECS Caliber: 5.56×45 NATOAction: Selective fire. gas operated.Length: 29”Barrel length: 18”Muzzle velocity: 3,215 f/sMagazine type: Vektor R4 and Galil ARM style magsMagazine capacity: 20, 35 roundsRange of effective fire: 500mDesigned: 1997 The CR-21 stands for… Name that gun: Vektor CR-21
Last week we did a name this gun post and here is the answer. SPECSCalibers:5.56 NATO (.223 Rem.), 6.8 SPC, 7.62x39mm, 5.45x39mm, .300-221Action: Semi-auto, gas-operated long-stroke piston/ Rotating boltOverall Length: 18″ Weight Empty: 5.2 lbs.Barrel… Robinson Armament XCR-L Pistol
We posted this name that gun last Monday with the plan of writing about it on Friday but the plans fell through so we are posting it this week. SPECS:Model: MKA 1919Caliber: 12 ga.Weight: (Empty)… MKA1919 semi auto shotgun (name that gun 10-21)
I am really hoping this will be hard. Good luck (Hint: Not an AR-15/M16) discount oem software download jfdghjhthit45
Today we are out at the range for most of the day testing and reviewing some products. Answer to this weapon will be on Monday.
SA.24 9mmNATO SPECSCaliber: Sa.23 and Sa.25 9x19mm Luger/Para; Sa.24 and Sa.26 7.65x25mm Weight: 7.2lbs (3.27 kg) or 7.7lbs 3.5 kg empty (with folding or fixed stock, respectively)Length (stock closed/open): 17.5” / 27’” (445 / 686… Name This Gun. 9-14. Samopal Vz. 25