Zombie Annihilator review PT.2
The conclusion to the gears review on the AWS ZA-15 First I have to say I had no input about what went onto this rifle. They built the rifle and shipped it to me… Zombie Annihilator review PT.2
The conclusion to the gears review on the AWS ZA-15 First I have to say I had no input about what went onto this rifle. They built the rifle and shipped it to me… Zombie Annihilator review PT.2
I took this pistol out for review along with the HPR ammo review and when I got home and plugged the camera into my computer it formatted the camera and I lost all of the… Atticus: Umarex “Colt 1911” .22LR Review
A few months back I was out at the range and I experienced a phenomenon I believe most shooters can relate to. I was sitting there on the line with the GEARs crew testing out… Atticus: HPR Ammo Review
I finally got to preview the zombie annihilator on Saturday, and I have to say I was very impressed with what I saw. While there were a few minor issues with the weight and cost… Panzerfaust: The ZOMBIE ANNIHILATOR
Last week I had the opportunity to go to the range with Atticus and shoot the Zombie Annihilator. I have shot other AR 15’s and was expecting pretty much the same experience. I got to… Zombie Annihilator review
Out with Old Man Lefty and Lou testing out the new Zombie Annihilator. First impressions should follow tomorrow.
Back in April 2012 I was involved in a Zombie shoot in Dallas, TX the grand prize sponsor was American Weapon Systems. After seeing the grand prize I contacted them and had a chance to… AWS ZOMBIE ANNIHILATOR Review PT. 1
Ebbs has a new write up about what most of us gun bloggers try to do… REVIEW GUNS! This is what I’m thinking a Haus of Guns gun review should be: An accurate portrayal of… What is a Gun Review?
Okay, here this goes. Kel Tec has created two of my favorite weapons. To be fair to everyone else, I have a rather extensive favorite list that is based mostly off of practical application of… Kel Tec Su-16CA
To read the first half of this review CLICK HERE Like I said in the first half I really enjoyed this rifle so I will just jump right into the review POLYMER FRAME: The… Kel Tec SU-16CA PT.2
Kel Tec was gracious enough to sent out out of their SU-16CA rifle for us to do a review on a few months ago and I have been trying to push this gun to its… REVIEW: Kel-Tec SU-16CA Review PT. 1
I always enjoy getting my hands on a rifle I’ve never fired before. The Keltec Su-16CA was a unique experience. The Su-16CA is a 5.56mm rifle weighing 4.7 pounds. The most notable thing about this… Keltec Su-16CA