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Atticus Testing the ZA-15 from American Weapon Systems

Range Day

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Out with Old Man Lefty and Lou testing out the new Zombie Annihilator. First impressions should follow tomorrow.

What is a Gun Review?

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Ebbs has a new write up about what most of us gun bloggers try to do… REVIEW GUNS! This is what I’m thinking a Haus of Guns gun review should be: An accurate portrayal of… What is a Gun Review?

Kel Tec Su-16CA

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Okay, here this goes. Kel Tec has created two of my favorite weapons. To be fair to everyone else, I have a rather extensive favorite list that is based mostly off of practical application of… Kel Tec Su-16CA

Kel Tec SU-16CA PT.2

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To read the first half of this review CLICK HERE Like I said in the first half I really enjoyed this rifle so I will just jump right into the review   POLYMER FRAME: The… Kel Tec SU-16CA PT.2

Keltec Su-16CA

I always enjoy getting my hands on a rifle I’ve never fired before. The Keltec Su-16CA was a unique experience. The Su-16CA is a 5.56mm rifle weighing 4.7 pounds. The most notable thing about this… Keltec Su-16CA