Video Tuesday!!! MITUSA MAGPUMP First Look
Atticus takes a detailed look at the Magpump AR 15 Magazine Speed Loader from MITUSA. Stay tuned for an updated review after we put several thousand rounds through this mag loader.
CGI: CMMG Edition
This week on Cool Guns of The Internet. Todays post is brought to you by the awesome guys over at CMMG. If you have a firearm you would like us to post in next weeks… CGI: CMMG Edition
Repost: GEARS and the X-15
Yesterday we looked at the XPRODUCTS X25S for Video Tuesday which sent me back to when we had first become friends with James and the awesome Team over at XPRODUCTS. As you can see below… Repost: GEARS and the X-15
Video: Vltor – The True Stock Options
Today we look at 6 Vltor stocks in Black, FDE/Tan and Foliage Green. Vltor sent the IMOD and the EMOD stocks for us to test on the #WindhamProject. I love the fact that the EMOD… Video: Vltor – The True Stock Options
Name This Gun: 7-13-16 Answer SX-1 MTR
Ritter & Stark SX-1 MTR [UPDATE] The SX-1 MTR is an Austrian bolt action rifle that has an interesting modularity to it. It was designed by the Russian team who helped bring the Orsis… Name This Gun: 7-13-16 Answer SX-1 MTR
Today we talk about how my spine looks like an AXTS Raptor charging handle. AXTS has sent us out the awesome Talon Safety Selector switch, QD endplate and my new Raptor charging handle for the… Video: AXTS RAPTOR CHARGING HANDLE TALON SAFETY SELECTOR QD END PLATE REVIEW
Name This Gun: 7-13-16
Put your gun knowledge to the test and see if you can guess the make and model of this gun. The answer will be posted on Wednesday the 13th.
Vlogging, Range Day, and Meeting the New Crew
Introducing J-Man and Matt to the GEARS Crew, getting 7.5 MPG while hauling guns to the range, EPIC Drone footage and so much more! Guns used in the video AR-15 AK-47 Glock 30SF H&K 45… Vlogging, Range Day, and Meeting the New Crew
Cleaning up the Ghost Problem at the Range with the CMMG .22lr Conversion Kit
The GEARS CREW are back at it again, saving the world from the evils of ectoplasm and the Ghosts who cause it. CMMG was kind enough to send us out the conversion kit to test… Cleaning up the Ghost Problem at the Range with the CMMG .22lr Conversion Kit
Viral Izhevsk Arms
Today I stumbled across these photos that are just now going viral,Viral Izhevsk Arms
Windham Project April Update
The True Stock Options Checking out the latest review products for the #WindhamProject Hogue Shipped: AR-15/M-16 Kit – Finger Groove Beavertail Pistol Grip and OverMolded Collapsible Buttstock – In Red Lava Rubber Vltor Shipped: (6… Windham Project April Update
#WindhamProject Update
What: The Windham Project is the new Windham Weaponry RMCS-4 which is a Multi Caliber System built on the AR-15 platform and designed after the MGI Hydra. The rifle is chambered in 1. 5.56×45/.223Remington Standard… #WindhamProject Update