Cases & Safes
Atticus and the Gears Crew wrap up the look back at Shot Show 2016 with the photos of safes and gun cases. Thank you for taking a look back with us. Hope you enjoyed the… Cases & Safes
Atticus and the Gears Crew wrap up the look back at Shot Show 2016 with the photos of safes and gun cases. Thank you for taking a look back with us. Hope you enjoyed the… Cases & Safes
Shotguns are our subject today as we join the Crew in Las Vegas and see the best photos from the many taken. They are meant to show the variety of what is to be seen… Shotguns: Shot Show 2016
Rifles continues. K-Z is mostly the manufactures you will find here. More of the best photos from the many taken. They are meant to show the variety of what is to be seen at Shot… Rifles Part Two: Shot Show 2016
Well, here come the rifles. Here are the best photos from the many taken. They are meant to show the variety of what is to be seen at Shot Show and are not necessarily a… Rifles, Part One: Shot Show 2016
Here is a collection of what we saw in the handgun arena at the show. We saw such a variety in sizes, colors and designs that we can only show you a few of the… Handguns: Shot Show 2016
Here is a collection of what we thought were some of the best every day carry items (EDC) and Range Gear that we got photos of at the show. These photos are just a few… EDC & Range Gear: Shot Show 2016
Here is a collection of some of the neatest custom guns that we got photos of at the show. Some of them we know who made them and some we just don’t know. If… Custom Guns: Shot Show 2016
Here is a collection of what we thought were some of the coolest looking guns that we got photos of at the show. Some of them we know who made them and some we just… Cool Guns: Shot Show 2016
Here is a collection of the photos from the floor. These photos are just a few of the best photos taken. They are meant to show the variety of what is to be seen at… Accessories and Scopes: Shot Show 2016
An Artist at Work Jesse Kaufman of Black Hills Gunstocks and Engraving discusses how he learned his trade and what goes into his engraving. Watch this interesting interview from Shot Show 2016.
Shot Show 2016 Industry Day Final Recap Clayton Shoots the Winchester Over Under Shot Gun A look at the CMMG Mutant MK-47 KRINK Watching the CMMG Mutant MK-47 SBR being shot Clayton shooting the… Industry Day: Last Look
Looking at Rifles Barrett M RAD Barrett REC-7 Atticus shooting the Barrett 308 Clayton shooting the Barrett M RAD Atticus shooting the Zenith Firearms Roller Locker MKE Z5K Zenith Firearms… Industry Day: Another Look Leatherman Gives the Gears crew the rundown on two of their new products for 2016 Watch while we learn about the Skeletool RX and the Knifeless Rebar. The skeletool RX is a tool… Leatherman Gives a Rundown of New Products