NEW for 2019: IWI Tavor TS12 First look
IWI Tavor The IWI Tavor line of firearms are maybe the BEST bullpup firearms to date. I have owned a Tavor SAR 5.56 Rifle for a few years now. IWI, for lack of a better… NEW for 2019: IWI Tavor TS12 First look
IWI Tavor The IWI Tavor line of firearms are maybe the BEST bullpup firearms to date. I have owned a Tavor SAR 5.56 Rifle for a few years now. IWI, for lack of a better… NEW for 2019: IWI Tavor TS12 First look
I am loving working with Keltec on two of the KSGs in their line up. I have some big things planned for the review of both shotguns so stay tuned for that! That was not movie… Video: Keltec KSG 25 First Look
This is the Lyman Products Trius One Step Trap and I have to say if you don’t want to drop the big bucks for an electric thrower you should look into getting one of these.… Video: Trius One Step Trap – This really put a spring into my step
Launch Into Spring WithThe NEW Trius Launch Pad! The Trius Launch Pad is perfect for clay target practice, whether alone or with a group of friends. This powerful machine is easy to transport and set-up,… Press Release: Lyman Products Trius Launch Pad
SHOT Show stands for Shooting Hunting Outdoor Trade Show, it is held at the Sands Convention Center at the Venetian Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas NV, USA. It is a private INDUSTRY ONLY show.… SHOT SHOW 2017: Industry Day at the Range Video
North Haven, CT – O.F. Mossberg and Sons, Inc. is pleased to offer new sub-compact NFA firearms, based on its time-proven 12-gauge 590A1 and 500 pump-actions. Classified by the BATFE (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms… Press Release: Mossberg® Introduces 590A1™ and 500® Compact Cruiser® AOWs The New Generation of 12 Gauge Sub-Compact, Pump-Action NFA Firearms
Introducing J-Man and Matt to the GEARS Crew, getting 7.5 MPG while hauling guns to the range, EPIC Drone footage and so much more! Guns used in the video AR-15 AK-47 Glock 30SF H&K 45… Vlogging, Range Day, and Meeting the New Crew
Shotguns are our subject today as we join the Crew in Las Vegas and see the best photos from the many taken. They are meant to show the variety of what is to be seen… Shotguns: Shot Show 2016
Shot Show 2016 Industry Day Final Recap Clayton Shoots the Winchester Over Under Shot Gun A look at the CMMG Mutant MK-47 KRINK Watching the CMMG Mutant MK-47 SBR being shot Clayton shooting the… Industry Day: Last Look
The Winchester Model 101 Over-Under 12 Gauge Shotgun Review I own four shotguns. I have two pump actions and two semi-autos. Each of them has a use and a reason I own them. Some are… The Over-Under on the Winchester Model 101
I have this weird need to collect cleaning kits. It isn’t because I need 7 identical 12 gauge brushes or because I am lacking in the cleaning rod or cleaning cable department. It seems everyone… Otis Technology Elite Cleaning System Review
First I would like to say Happy New Years as this is the first post in 2015. A number of people have been asking where we have been the past few weeks. The Crew has… SHOT Show, 2015, Reviews, and Videos