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REVIEW: VersaCarry Large .45 holster review

A few weeks ago contacted us about doing a review on their inside waist band (IWB) holsters.

They sent SawG, Caleb and Myself each a different one
My Glock 21 .45 ACP – Large Blue
Caleb’s Smith and Wesson M&P .40S&W – Medium Red
SawG’s Kel-Tec PF9 9 Para bellum – Small Yellow

Since I still haven’t been able to give SawG his holster my sister will be doing a review from a females stand point later on this month.

Large .45 ACP Holster


Large .45 with a Glock 21

Concealment level: I tend to wear more medium T-shirts which does not conceal the Glock 21 as well as I would like it to.
By wearing a large or XL shirt the gun is less noticeable in the small of my back. wearing mediums and larges I cannot wear the holster on my side because the gun shows. Wearing an XL shirt the gun on my hip still has some bulk but is less noticeable and the general population most likely wouldn’t even notice.

Comfort level: With the Glock in the small of my back I have to reposition it to my side if I want to sit down. Walking around the gun stays where I holstered it and even with the weight it doesn’t pull my pants down or feel uncomfortable. However if I knew I was going to be standing and sitting off and on this is not the size I would want to carry since I would have to keep moving it back and forth.

Ease of Draw: The size of the gun makes the gun a quick draw and have rounds on target with relative ease. Cross draw and carrying in the small of my back still very easy.

Ease of reholstering: The package does say you have to pull the holster out and put the gun back on the rod which is the main con I have found so far.

Safety: The Holster comes with a trigger guard which covers the trigger from the outside of your pants and the skin of your body covers the other side. this keeps those of us without a switch safety more protected.

Overall thoughts: I have only had this holster for about a week now and I will say I like it. It is all made of plastic. The barrel rod screws onto the frame and has a metal insert molded into the rod so it shouldn’t strip if you change the rod to a different caliber.

So far I like the way it carries and feels. it doesn’t seem to weigh me down or make movements awkward


While I do like the deep concealment of this gun I did find it hard to practice drawing and firing from this holster at the range since you have to take the holster off every time. If you can practice and take the time to draw from this using snap caps or other ways of practice I believe with time it will be come second nature.

Safety is always a major thing I look at when I am carrying because I never want to be walking around and have a round go off into my leg. Since I have the threaded barrel on my Glock it does raise the trigger a little bit outside of the trigger guards cover. The stock non threaded barrel is covered by the guard and for added safety I can just carry in condition 3 (See all 5 conditions here) if I am that worried.

Pants and Belts: I found that in most of my pants and shorts that I had to wear a belt in order for the holster to stay in when drawing my pistols. However when my sister tried on the small holster she was having this problem since her nice work clothes do not have belt loops for her to wear one. I will let her explain more in her posting later on.

Final overall conclusion:

I think even with the safety, reholstering and wearing a belt that this holster is one of the more interesting and comfortable on the market.
