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Video: Howa American Flag Chassis Rifle–A First Look

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American Flag First Look Cover

Today we are checking out the American Flag Chassis Rifle chambered in .308Win.

You might be asking yourself, how can I justify purchasing a new rifle so soon after my last gun purchase (A.K.A. The Tax Return Gun).  Here is some helpful advice.

1.You won the “I got out of bed today Award”.

2.People tell you that you wear too many earthy colors with your 5.11s and now you need to brighten your gun safe.

3.You woke up to, not a roosters crow, but to the sound of an American Bald Eagle, at the foot of your bed.

4.Because it is your duty to adopt any and all lonely rifles at the gun shop/online.

5. Because you believe it will match your wives eyes.


What ever your reason is… I think you’ll like it.


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