Today I am reinstalling my Champion AR500 steel plate at the GEARS range.
We are currently working on a few different plans for the new backstop, but our long-term goal is to have a full-length backstop that will be rifle rated and have a pistol bay with an angled stand like we have currently in the main range area. As of right now, we are doing everything we can to get the new backstop up and running as soon as possible. Stay tuned, as we will be posting updates on our social media platforms when the backstop is complete!
In the future, we would like to have .22 LR targets that are not in view of the rifle range, add a different brand of steel to test who we like the best, and add in a pistol dueling tree, and even a covered area to film at.
We just need to get some time and get at it. I am sure we will be working hard on upgrading this small range to one that is worthy of the Gears of Guns name!
Be on the lookout for new videos and blog posts about these changes. Also, check out our social media accounts. We’ll announce these changes as they come up. Stay tuned and keep an eye out!
The link below is about the steel plate and the warnings. http://www.championtarget.com/pdf/ChampionAR500_SteelTarget_Info&Warnings.pdf
You buy your champion steel plates here: http://amzn.to/2tg6gLZ
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