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About The Tools
I am super excited about this review. I have been adding tools to my collection to make some reviews better. We used the first two items in this review. As I said in the review, someone recommended we pick up a dB meter and measure the sound. The second item give a try is an infrared camera.

Now, I do want to state a few things about the dB meter. One, this is not scientific. We know that there are rules and requirements for taking proper sound measurements and we aren’t doing any of them. The point of the dB meter is so that you can see a rough sound level from about 5 feet away. The dB meter maxes out at 130. Since this is a 12G shotgun, unsuppressed shots will max the gauge out.
The Review
Last item, Gears of Guns is here to do fun reviews. I do not want to a review that is extreme data overload. That has never been the focus of our channel. If you are looking for in depth analysis, we are just not going to be that.
I love the Kel Tec KSG and I wish they has designed the barrel nut to be easier to remove. It took some hardcore heat and brute force to break it free. The Silencerco Salvo 12 shotgun suppressor just mates with the KSG as if they were made for each other. The short KSG package means that the full length bars set up of the Salvo 12 doesn’t seem “too long”. The Salvo 12 can be shortened at the cost of sound reduction but on the KSG it is perfect at full length.
As I said, the Salvo can be shortened. I never showed that in the video. Dismantling a suppressor could hurt our standing with YouTube. It is important to stay on the best terms with YouTube as this is how I share the majority of our reviews.
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