Project Red Dragon: Time to STRIKE
As many of you know I enjoy building a new AR every few years and last year was no exception. We had a Windham Weaponry pistol that was in need of a major facelift so… Project Red Dragon: Time to STRIKE
As many of you know I enjoy building a new AR every few years and last year was no exception. We had a Windham Weaponry pistol that was in need of a major facelift so… Project Red Dragon: Time to STRIKE
It has been a few years since I have truly written a review on a firearm as now we have a proper range for reviews at any time. So why a written review? Well, I… [Review] Building A Diamondback Firearms AR-15
Today we are checking out the American Flag Chassis Rifle chambered in .308Win. You might be asking yourself, how can I justify purchasing a new rifle so soon after my last gun purchase (A.K.A. The… Video: Howa American Flag Chassis Rifle–A First Look
Tanner shot this last week and It was suppose to be uploaded while I was in California but I left my keys with flash drive at home! ******** Follow Me Here For all our Updates!… Video: Deadair Sandman S – They don’t need to know I am using cheap ammo
Checking out the Canik TP9DA in bronze. I really like the feel of this gun in my hands and I cannot wait to bring you in for the full review! ******** Follow Me Here For… Video: Canik TP9DA – It might be bronze but I am betting it just might make the GOLD
I was not paid to talk about the Pro For Sho ear muffs. I am just some who loves earpro Parts list: CMMG Upper and Lower pistol kit CMMG 12.5” Barrel KAK Shockwave Brace… Video: CMMG Build Part 2 – If You Flip the Brace it Becomes a Shark!
Sorry for the wind. I ordered 7-9 MPH winds and I was given 14-17 MPH winds. With all the changes to YouTube I am not fully sure what to write in this description. I am… Video: Mossberg MMR. Worth Every Penny!
Back at the end of 2017 I was contacted by a company called Craft Holsters asking if I was interested in a review with them. I checked out their site and decided to get a… Article: MY New Holster – CRAFT HOLSTER